Quote Originally Posted by iamzak View Post

do they really pay any website that have been paid and how can u earn from it.

Hi, you can go to the website, fill in your info with your blog info, and then once it is approved, we send you emails with the website that you have to write about. You can write about the website any way you want: you can review it (good or bad reviews are ok), talk about something in your own life that relates to the products they are selling or whatever. You have to have 3 live links to the sponsor's website. Then, we will pay you 30 days from the time the blog entry was approved (this is to make sure the blog entries stay permanent on the blog).

I hope I have answered your question, I don't want to be rude on the board so if you have any others you can email me at [email]cheryl@blogsvertise.com[/email]