Body Language In Interview & GD

Body language places very important role in your interview process. During Interview, your Body Language speaks lots of things about your character and attitudes.
Handshake: A dry, firm hand shake reflects a strong personality and is what most employers are looking for. Limp, sweaty hands are definitely a no. This is the first body language in the interview that your interviewer will "read".
Hands: Do not exaggerate hand gestures when you are talking. Try answering an interview question in front of a mirror to help you understand how much you move your hands while talking.
Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact but do not stare. If you are uncomfortable with this kind of body language look at the interviewer's nose as it has the same effect. Do not let your eyes wander away from your interviewer.
Posture: Reflects energy, enthusiasm and self control. Stand and sit erect. Slouching does not reflect a positive attitude in interview body language.
Fidget: Simple - do not fidget. Avoid playing with you hair, clicking pens and the like.
Here are some of the most important personality traits that a candidate should possess to do well at a GD:
• Team Player
• Reasoning Ability
• Leadership
• Flexibility
• Assertiveness
• Initiative
• Creativity/ Out of the box thinking
• Inspiring ability
• Listening
• Awareness
• INITIATE THE DISCUSSION: The Observers mark you on this. If you start a Group Discussion once the Topic is provided to you, you will earn points for yourself.
• DON'T BREAK OTHERS' OPINIONS ABRUPTLY: Never directly interrupt if the other person is presenting his/her point. Try to Politely interfare by saying, "I agree with you to a certain extent, but I think...."or "You are right Mr. X but I feel..."
• SUMMERIZE THE DISCUSSION: The Observers watch you for closing the Discussion with a Proper Summary of the Outcome of the discussion. Summarize the Discussion if you feel that there is no more discussion left on that topic. Be the first one to do so, and get the points !
• DON'T TALK TO THE OBSERVERS: In a Group Discussion, always talk to the others participating in the Group Discussion, and not the Observers.
Hope this piece of information will add value in your preparation of interview. I would also like to suggest some web sites which will help you to find good job offers,, etc. Among these site will provide you jobs information from different sites in one site I have used this site in my job search.


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