You have a very nice blog! Honestly, after reading it you make me really want to get a pair of chinchillas. If I didn’t already have four felines and one dog to take care of, I more than likely would be getting one. So really, your writing sryle is nice, it’s a rich blend of informative yet entertaining to continue reading in a non-boring kind of way.

The only thing you may want to consider, is doing a spell check. This is just personal opinion, so don’t take it to heart as I could very well be wrong, but I think when a person does a personal journal they can get away with typos here and there (I know my entries are loaded with them!). However, you’re doing a very rich information page and the typos could distract people from the honesty in your entries.

You have some cute photos, but one is on the side bar and it really isn’t a very good image of a chinchilla. The other is on an entry that as you (presumably) post more, it might get lost off the page. So maybe you could add some more photos of them, showing their activity, a cage, etc other points of interest in the header/opening image. The one presently there, seems a little off topic and the images itself as so small I can’t tell if there is a chinchillas on them or not.

It really is a nice blog, good work! You can see you put a lot of time, effort, and thought into it.