As a lady of this age, I have been single for long. And most of people around me think I like being single.
No, this is not my willing, just I have to. Most of the time, I feel lonely and try to out of the loneliness. But there seems no outlet, so I have to live in the dark abyss of loneliness. Yes, I look so common, no one will notice me even I walk through the crowd. So the only thing that I can do is just stay at home and isolate from the outside world, and I spend most of my time surfing the internet. One day, I found a store and there are so many beautiful accessories just like Pandora beads which I like mostly there. They all look so shine and attract me profoundly. Although I don’t like this kind of things, I still can’t help stopping myself to buy some from them. And I didn’t think this would change my life later.
After the accessories’ arrival, I tried them and they all looked very different. Suddenly, I feel like a princess, and actually, I feel that, in all my life, I've never been so sure of myself.
That day, when I went out to buy some foods with the accessories, I felt people’s eyes on me. It felt so good. After that I no longer afraid of meeting people, and I go out of my home and just be a normal person having a normal life.
Everything’s changing, it’s wasn’t long since I find my Mr. right. So I said goodbye to my single life and found my happiness. Thanks to the Pandora beads, give me a new life.