The Threat From Kalu Bin is a Mission task when you at level(aion money) 3. You need to get the map of the task at Akariaos Village. You need to get NPC at mora martinez. And complete the task NPC in the mora Martinez as well. You will got 1000 exp reward for this task.

First you can see a film then he will teach you to kill six cherubins with small feet in Aion. After done you will kill cherubin with bigfoot to get 5 teech from the cherubin with bigfoot.

You need to find mercenaries after you have done things above. Choose one of Chain of boots scout, Scout gown shoes or boots scout then give it to mercenaries. By the way this task you can do with other task at level(aion powerleveling) 3 which dont have master.

Because the way for these tasks will have cherubin with bigfoot. You dont need to go the place told for there have many cherubin with bigfoot there.