Your ppor thing. Your are projecting, because you don't know anyone in your new town. You need to go out and meet new people. Date around. You might realize that you don't like her as much as you think or that you really do have feelings for her. If it's the latter, then you really need to sit down and have a talk with this girl. Be direct about your feelings. However, I suspect that she isnt' going to run into your arms. This is not a romantic comedy. Why is she so open with your friends but not with you? Doesn't she know that what she says to them will come back to you? If so, then it sounds like she is playing games. I wouldn't be confessing my feelings to the friends of someone I like, especially if I knew it was going to get back to him. I don't know. Try to move on or talk to the girl. Stop driving yourself crazy. Good luck.