Maybe you can got some help from the follows article if you are want to level 1-51 fast. We have got it from other site. Surely you can order RF online gold from our site. We will deliver gold to you in short time. You need to unlock your exp bar for you to level up again.

You can unlock it by doing iron will quest in RF: 1.50 Calianna Archers. 2.30 Giant Baba and Great Curr. 3.Bellato Race. -10 berserker and infiltrator.

Cora Race: -10 Templar and I Forgot D. Accre Race: -Dunno. 4.5 Holy Chandra and Dark Priest, 3 quest items from Devastator. 5.10 Black demolis and Cannibal. 6.1 Red Haired Splinter. 7.Lastly Jewel cube.

After you unlock your exp bar go to outcast land then go to NAROOM search for a party there if none go hunt Red Haired Splinters until 55 then go to Elf Land until you reach 65. Do as told, you will be level 51 fast. By the way, you can use our RF powerleveling service as well. It is fast and safe.