Hi guys. This actually goes further than a review. I'm pretty sure you use feed reader of one kind or another.

I'm inviting bloggers here to be early beta users for onelurv (onelurv.com).

It's a feed reader that combines bookmarks and passwords in one seamless tool. My vision is to create the most pleasurable start-page tool for everyday web surfers.

I'm inviting you guys to participate as beta users; and there's limited places for registration.

It handles feeds in a channel/category manner; different from other online aggregators. User's feeds and bookmarks are also shared with community of other users.

Truth is, it started out as a tool that I needed for myself. Feeds and passwords were getting overwhelming; and there was no tool that manage like it should for me. It turns out to be a pretty fun 'first-page-in-the-morning'. I hope you can help make it better.

There's a demo account so you can have a look at how it works. Appreciate your support and feedback

Check it out at onelurv.com