I think [URL=http://www.livejournal.com/~fugitive247/]my blog[/URL] is an interesting diversion from the beaten (to death) path. I mean, how many intelligent, articulate, wickedly humorous, 40-ish, 10-years clean & sober bipolar+PTSD moms of special needs kids could there possibly be in the blogosphere?

Okay, maybe a few. One never knows...

How many of them have ethnically, politically, religiously and racially mixed families within 3 tightly-knit generations? And within that demographic, how many also have immediate family members in 12-step recovery, or holding international patents for items used in one of the world's oldest and largest communications sectors?

Even fewer.

Now... how many are married to an old-school elite hacker?

(insert Jeopardy theme music here)