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Thread: Niche Sites And Adsense Resources, Randy's post follow up

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  1. #1
    elgharib2008 Guest

    Niche Sites And Adsense Resources, Randy's post follow up

    Randy made a post in another thread that made a lot of sense regarding creating niche sites as a way to create multiple streams of income. This is something that I have been interested in for a while. I do currently have several sites, but they are in related fields. I wouldn't consider them "niche" sites, because they are in rather competitive areas.

    I like the idea of slowly building sites to help diversify and bring in more income, but I don't really know where to start, how adsense works, etc. I have a lot of questions, like how many people searching for a product is enough to make it worthwhile without being too many, making it too competitive? How can I come up with product/subject ideas?

    Are there any resources, websites, e-books, etc that you can recommend that might have some answers/ be a good resource for someone who is interested in learning more about niche marketing?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Well i will not promote my business.
    But i have 3 books which i bought from a some well known websites worth $19 , $21 and $10
    I can provide you at a very cheap rate.
    Honestly speaking.

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