I've never really signed up to a proper dating site, but (being the teenager i was) i got myself a Myspace, a Faceparty etc.... and i try to reach out to girls in the local area, so close enough.

To be honest, i don't know what to make of it. I find i can be more comfortable online, talk to people easier, even "promote" myself easier on these online profiles....yet when i try saying "hi" to girls, i very rarely get a response, or it doesnt lead anywhere. (then agian, my "hi" is a paragraph or two)

I just saw what the person said about Online/Offline skills...maybe that person's got a point. I'm kinda shy in real life, and i absolutley cannot go up to a random girl in a bar or a pub anyway.

But i had a thought about this the other day: making connections is easier if your comfortable with the environment around you. If your more comfortable talking to peopel remotely (I.e. dating sites) then perhaps you should give it ago, see where it leads you.

although i really should try and get out more, thinking to onesself is destructive.