Hey There,

Personally I believe one should never ask for advice, coz in most cases if we relax and believe in ourselves, we would know the answer. Personally, I do not think you did anything wrong anywhere. But it is for you to decide whether: 1. You really want to be in any kind of relationship with a person who is so particular abt things, 2. Doesn't have the guts to commit to one women etc.

I personally believe women can't keep feelings seperate when they are in a physical only relationship, but I may be wrong.

So try and take a breather, get yourself together and decide for yourself. My personal advice would be to move away from the relationship. But it is your call. Also, your world wont end even if you move away from the relationship; possibly you might get tied a little bit as far as money is concerned; but that's not the end of the world. Take things a little lightly; try and look at your situation in a light manner. It's all gonna be ok.

Let me know if you need more help.

Take care,