Hi everyone at BloggerHub!

I'm a new member here and my name is Mike Huang.

I recently created a blog, Bloggin-Ads.com (not bloggin"g"), as a blog to help others less fortunate in the blogging world...like me.

What my wife and I do on Bloggin-Ads is review blogs around the world in detail and show other blogs what they're missing out there. What is interesting to you can also be interesting to someone else and that is what my wife and I want to achieve.

Bloggin-Ads also allows the function of a blog owner submitting a review request with excerpts of his or her own, which is something I hope will bring in more bloggers.

Well...of course you're probably thinking reading blog reviews each day is boring and I do agree with you in a way. Blog reviews are only done on every other day of the week, while the left over days, I ramble about anything in the world.

To keep things interesting, my ramblings are almost always unique because I feel that having unique content is the way to go and not re-writing posts that have be posted thousands of times.

I hope you guys will take a look at my blog and tell subscribe to it. If there are any problems or opinions, please do tell me. Thank you.

-Mike Huang

p.s. This blog is created to move away from the "money making blog" type business that is currently going around