I thought I would share with you, some recent conservations with Single Men, about Global Warming. They, in a Dating Situation, described themselves as, Middle Of The Road, Not Political, Independent, or I Vote For The Best Man.
These are the type, in my experience, to vote for a candidate, who is weak on, Environmental Issues.

JIM--White male, 48yo, alcohol salesman, Western NC., divorced, 1 child, spiritual, Declares he's Middle Of The Road.
KEN--White male, 55 yo Veteran, aircraft mechanic, no children, divorced, Central NC., Catholic, Declares he's an Independent.
WAYNE--White male, 63 yo Veteran, retired, grandfather, widower, Baptist, southern New York State, Declares he's Not Political.
MATT--White male, 38yo, Secret Service agent, 1 child, divorced, Jewish, south eastern PA., Declares he Votes For The Best Man.

BENITA--White female, 54yo, divorced, retired, 2 children, Western NC., Loves to confuse Men, with logic. Doesn't know who she will vote for! Registered Independent

Benita: Question to Jim-- Do you believe in Global Warming?
Jim : Welllll,,I guess,,(loud sigh), but they said, we have had the coldest Winter here, in the last five years!
Benita: Do you know what that means to me?
Jim : No, what?
Benita: I get to turn my air conditioning off, on January the 15th, instead of January the 30th.
Jim: ( Visibly gets upset, and changes subject )

Benita: Question to Ken-- Do you believe in Global Warming?
Ken : A-- It's just a bunch of nonsense!
Benita: Whys That?
Ken :The Liberals made it all up!
Benita : I'm a Liberal? Why do you want to go out with me?
Ken : But you're pretty!
Benita : I'm going to vote for Hilliary! Does that bother you?
Ken : She won't get to be President!
Benita : Why?
Ken : Even if she was elected, she will be Assassinated! ( as he smiles knowingly )
Benita : You don't like Women very much, do you?
Ken : I Love Women
Benita: Are you Gay?
Ken : Hell no, I'm not Gay! Why would you ask that?
Benita: Just that, I thought Men who didn't like Women, were often Gay.
Benita : But you wouldn't vote for one?
Ken : NOOOOOOOO,,, Yes,,,, Maybe,,,uhhhhh, lets talk about something else. ( he gets visibly upset )

Benita : Question to Wayne--Do you believe in Global Warming?
Wayne : It wouldn't have any effect on me, if it were true!
Benita : Why is that?
Wayne : The World is coming to an end, in my lifetime! (big smile)
Benita : So you don't believe, the Earth is 4.5 Billion years old?
Wayne : No, the Earth is just six or seven thousand years old.
Benita : What if you are wrong?
Wayne : Can't be wrong, all the signs say, I'm right! The scriptures never lie!
Benita : Do you have Grandchildren?
Wayne : Yes, they are my pride and joy!
Benita : What happens to them, if you are wrong?
Wayne : I'M NOT WRONG!! (angry, yet firm tone)
Benita : Just say, What If You Are? Please ( helpless southern smile, batting my eyes)
Wayne : OK,,,,uhhh, Wellll,,,,( after some thought) I guess they would be in a mess!
Benita : I think you may be right!
Wayne : But it's not going to happen!!
Benita : Are you sure enough, to risk your Grandchildren's future?
Wayne : (Gets visibly upset, grits his teeth, leans forward, whispers to me) You don't know who you are messing with!!

Benita : Question to Matt-- Do you believe in Global Warming?
Matt : Haven't made my mind up yet.
Benita : I think there's quite a bit of evidence, for it!
Matt : You sound like my Nephew. The other day he said, "We should just get rid, of the Oil Companies".
Benita : Wouldn't be as hard to do, as it sounds!
Matt : Are you crazy? This country would shut down, if it wasn't for the Oil Companies!
Benita : Brazil switched over to Alcohol based fuel, in just six months!
Matt : Yes,,, but Brazil is, a Third World Country!
Benita : I don't get your point?
Matt : If we got rid of Oil Companies, switched to Alcohol, it would disturb the, Balance Of Power!
Benita : I don't understand? Shouldn't we do what's best for the Consumer, and also the Planet.
Matt : Not necessarily, if it Destabilizes the World.
Benita : Doesn't it Destabilize the World more, for us to be Dependent on Foreign Oil Suppliers?
Matt : Absolutely not, most of them are our friends!
Benita : I find that hard to Believe?
Matt : It's true!! ( big knowing smile )
Benita : Do you watch the news?
Matt : Yes, I watch Fox News.
Benita : What do you think about Iraq?
Matt : Probably another Vietnam!!
Benita : So we should get out, and cut our losses?
Matt : We can't leave Iraq, we need it as a Staging Base, when we Invade Iran!!
Benita : We are Not going to invade Iran!
Matt : We have to!! They have Nuclear Weapons!!
Benita : So, what if they did?
Matt : It would mess Oil Shipments Up, if they were to use one.
Benita : Doesn't that sort of make your Nephew's, Point?
Matt : What point are you talking about Darling?

The impression I got from all these guys: That They Were, Brain Washed!

They spit this out, like it was a chant, or remembered prayer. In the end, they basically all said the same thing! Quoting stale facts, that weren't even facts, and often, it insulted, an educated persons intelligence!

Global Warming doesn't have a Political Party, or Domination. It will pretty much effects us all, in the same way!

You should remember that, when it's time to Vote!!


PS: If you have a good man, you should hug him a little closer tonight! It's a pain, looking for one! I PROMISE