Hey bloggers,

I'm new to blogging and I want to see how you guys research for your blog posts, as I'm not sure my way is the best. I guess I'm trying to see what tools you guys are using and how your writing happens.

Here is how I'm doing it.
So I decided to write a post on wooden toys for kids when I saw my neighbors kids playing with some old ones. I mean those toys looked as if they belonged to the parents themselves. First I thought that the blog post should have a bunch of pictures so I searched the web and collected the ones I liked here: bit.ly/1N0wSSs . The tool was very easy to use, so I liked that. Then I researched some articles about plastic toys vs wooden one. Now I'm in the process of putting it all together. I probably won't include all of the toys I've found in the blog post, which seems like a bit of a waste, but here we go, that's how I'm doing this. How would you go about it?
