For all the people out there who are in college or considering college, have graduated from college and haven't found that dream job, or haven't attended university at all and are struggling to find a career, this message is for you.

Some news: there are more options than what we have been told our whole lives is the "right" way to live. Most people began their education at a preschool, then moved on to elementary school, middle school, and then high school, and for many people college is the next step. For many other people, it is not. But we have all been told that our best shot at being truly successful comes from having a high salary job. We have been told that to attain these jobs we must go in to a workplace, sometimes for long hours almost everyday to provide for ourselves and our families. We have been told that having this job we may not like is normal and okay because as long as you're working hard then people will respect you and you can buy whatever it is you desire. For many, this way of life is perfect. I am not saying that you can't be happy going to school, finding a career in some city, and settling down. That is a perfectly good option if your desires lead you there. But for many people, it's just not the way of life they fantasize about. For some people, like Rets and I, the desire is different, we have a different calling. That calling is to work hard and be successful, but to achieve in in an unconventional way... In a way that allows us to not be confined or limited to one job, one place, or even one country. Interested in more information ? Visit jtryr. com