I recently watched the movie "Accepted". I thought it would be a typical corny movie about college with a dumb story line and "try to hard to get a laugh" humor. Boy was I wrong. This is an awesome movie! I rented it from [url=http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-2227093-10390804]Peerflix[/url]. You can rent movies for $.99 from them! It's an awesome site where you can trade borrow and buy movies. There is a review of the movie on the [url=http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-2227093-10390804]Peerflix[/url] website from Entertainment Weekly that says "ACCEPTED's winning dumbness and breezy bon mots save it from the pit..." -- Grade: B-". I completely disagree with that grade. Anyone who uses terms like "breezy bon mots" obviously has out-dated comical taste. Anyways you'll have to watch it and see for yourself. Enjoy!