Hi everyone!!

So I recently started blogging, didn't expect that hah?
So i took around in some Forums and this one looked like the most used one and it looks and probably is good.
I wanted to say hi so HI!
Let's start with introducing myself, I'm 17 years old and I just love blogging, I don't know why but I want to do it all day, but I try to keep myself at bay by only posting something on my blog once a day.
So if you wanted to visit my blog I'll leave my link down here, you can ofcourse also follow me on twitter.
So here is my blog link: problemsandstories.blogspot.com
And here's my twitter: twitter.com/Skiving_Tuber

Ofcourse I have some questions aswell.
What do you guys like about blogging (making them and reading them)?
Why did you started in the first place?
How often do you read a blog / make a post?

I guess that's about it then!
See you later!!