There Is More Than One Way?

You bet! oh man there is a ton of sites out there that will pay you to work from home!

Of course you have the classic ways of do surveys on sites such as Opinion Outreach and Spring Board. But there are other ways as well.

What is it that you are good at? What do you have an interest in?

If you have a passion for something. There is a really good chance you can earn money online from it.

Did you know you can do online jury duty? I know that does not sound fun but it is kind of like playing a game of CSI. They have you read a story then you vote one way or the other! The best part? You get paid!

Ejury, Online Verdict, Trial Juries, Sign up direct, Jury Test

Do you offer a service? Is that service something you can do online? Several sites let you reach a mass customer base and sell your services!

Fiverr, FreeLancer, Amazon Mechanical Turk

I bet you listen to music all the time. Am I right? Why not get paid to listen to and review music from new artist!


I Want To Make Money By Blogging!

That is great! It is not hard to get started. The blog part is easy. Making money is a bit more difficult but not impossible. Millions do it including me! I know if I can you can.

First you need to figure out what it is you want to blog about.

Do not take that lightly. Research others in that niche and see how big of a following there is for it. Then decide on what platform to use. WordPress is going to be your best bet.

Learn How To Create Your Site Now!

I am not going to get into how to create a website just now. More on that later. Be sure to check the main page for a tutorial.

After you have a page set up you just need to monetize it and get to writing! Content is king! Again more on that covered with how to create a website!

Affiliate Networks And More!

Is That It?

No way! There are still many many ways to make money online. For example:

Sell crafts

Sell digital content

Sell the extra stuff you do not use on amazon or eBay

Offer to sell other peoples stuff online

Be a Virtual Assistant

Work for Live ops

Work for Convergys

Amazon Mechanical Turk

and so many more…..

See working from home is not as taboo as it used to be. But be prepared for many many people to down you. Especially if you are a work from home dad like me. I know I get all sorts of rude and mean remarks made about my career choice. Just push those comments out of your mind and know that you are ditching that 9-5 lifestyle making money for someone else and you are in it to win it!