THE CHARACTERSTICS OF ‘I.Q’: ‘I.Q’ comes genetically From parents . It grows up to 16-18 yrs approximately . Then it stops . After that, practicing
some suggested methods, it can sharpened.
[according to psychologists ].

It possible to explore reasons for an incident. Have an Insight to expect future effects . Analysis and arrangement of reasons in order .

‘I.Q’ is different with Persons. persons high I.Q are innovative, inventive . Take first step to do experiments. Like Newton , Einstein , Socrates, Aristotle…

Unique thinking ,novel hypothesis, Problem solving, creativity, anticipation… possible by high ‘I.Q’.

Can’t expect good character , mingling with persons , good personality with high ‘I.Q’.(not in all).
High ‘I.Q’ person stays Himself lonely. Continuous ‘mental storm’ and ‘intellectual struggle’. Face trouble to mingle the persons easily. Except homogeneous thinkers of his level.
May be experts in their own fields! But …may n’t know behavior with others!!
we see many lonely people with shy in parties and functions. If enquire into them… may be higher officials or important persons in some sectors!
Those feel“ that we are high level persons , we should n’t join with low level persons”. They cover their ‘ inferiority complex’ and ‘ shy ness’ with self developed ‘ superiority complex’. They be caught in some unknown emotions. Feel inconvenient always .[we cannot say this will happen in all high ‘I.Q’ people]
It does n’t mean having high ‘I.Q’ is wrong. Must have ‘emotional balance(E.B)’also .As no ‘E.B’ in above people, their behavior is like above.