Dude you were doing great until you wrote the last step: giving her your email...

Unless you wrap that in a challenging way, like for example: "Email me ONLY if you are friendly, adventurous and have a sense of humour" , you probably would end up in her long list of supplicating fools and you'd somehow destroy what you built in the first steps.... same goes for telephone numbers. Either take her's or exchange. If you only give her yours, you're already scoring negative and heading in the wrong direction.

I prefer qualifying her before I decide to give her my email or exchange. Like "what else have you going on for you, other than your style/sense of humour/ positive energy?" whatever you noticed or she displayed (not looks).

This may sound strange and kindda debatable, but I noticed that guys who have profiles that conveys them as being total jerks, are the ones who get most response from women. They'll be asking them "are you for real?" and get curious about them. Curiousity is proportional to Attraction. The more time she spends being curious about you, the higher the attraction raises.