You're right, Jim. Fly-bys are not quality visits.

I don't go for "loud" myself... I write several blogs, each tailored to a specific purpose. My main blog ([url][/url]) is just about the writing. I don't sell anything and I make no money from it. I wrote for other websites, in the past, and was encouraged by several readers to take my work to a home of its own... so that's what I did They like it and they are regulars now.

It's not a "bells and whistles" blog -- in fact, aesthetically, it's very plain -- and I like it that way. I don't like visiting websites that bombard me with videos, music, goofy cursors or pop-up windows before I've even had a chance to determine their overall purpose or offering. I am also not fond of website backgrounds that are so "busy" that they obscure the content. In those cases, I would do exactly what you were referring to -- leave immediately. I like to explore a well-organized site with clear headings and links that allow for easy navigation.

What are your thoughts, Jim? Everyone?