How to make Money with wordpress
Do you know how to make Money with Wordpress I google a lot to find it. I got so many resources, little bit Confused about that all. It’s really hectic.
last night just checking my tweets i got a Short URL website ity.im and I started using the short url service to shorten my links. Then I found that they also provide the Wordpress Plug-in.
Its really Nice. I like the idea of making money with Wordpress. We just have to download it and Run on our blog. Once we install the plug-in, certain links on our Wordpress blog will be automatically converted to ity.im short url's. When someone on your Wordpress blog clicks on one of these links you will earn revenue from:
1. Displaying interstitial ads
2. Text ad clicks in the top frame
3. Referral signups from referral link in the top frame
4. Place your own ads in an adframe displayed on the destination page of shortened urls!
5. Add text ads and interstitial ads directly to your website with our JavaScript code
Wish this will help you to earn money with Wordpress and please suggest me some more Ideas also.
Keep Blogging start earning
try goole ads
you should try google ads...that will work fine for you
Latest Apple iPhone News and much more...

Why not trying Google adwords? Its really worth it. Try out.
Transcription Services
There are better services than that, i like infolinks more...google it
About the other post, adsense can bring a steady income if you have visitors
Basically, it is possible to make money with CMS, but it takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to trade forex to make money. Yes, in this case, FreshForex, which offers investors flexible deposit bonuses, is very good.
Create content, attract visitors, and monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, or selling products/services on your WordPress website.
I feel that Google Adsense still the best option to earn through blogs
Why has my Google Adsense been unable to pass verification, claiming there is an issue with my account.
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