hello Carla, hope you are doing well with your blogging. A couple tips to get traffic to your blog

  1. Make sure you use appropriate and relevant key words in your title and description of blog so when people do organic searches, it will come up

    Submit your blog to directories and put them in appropriate category

    Use Social Media Networks. You can use certain services like FriendFeed to tweet your posts to Twitter, Facebook, etc.

    Join Online Groups/Forums in your niche, network with other bloggers and use your blog url in your signature

    Comment on other blogs and get love in return. Change your comment system especially if you are using the default system for your blogging platform. I use CommentLuv, which is great and shows the title of the commenter's last post. Other good ones are IntenseDebate and Disqus.

    Most Important, how is the quality of your blog? No point in having traffic if they will just be one visit never to return again. Write quality posts, check for grammar, punctuation, format, pictures, font size, font type. Do not have a dark background with dark font. Make your blog readable. Is your navigation easy to find and use? Do you have ads on your blog? Make sure they don't take the focus off your posts. Too many widgets are unnecessary and will also distract your reader.

    Any other tips feel free to ask.