Substance is good. It is easy to read, with a casual tone.
May I suggest a better contrast between the background and entries? This is as the background seems a little bright. It could be adjusted by placing a background with a slightly darker tone.
Number of entries on a page is pretty alright, not cramped but just nice.
Images are just sufficient for each entry.

Reading substance: 9 / 10
Layout: 7 / 10
Images: 8 / 10
X-factor: 8 / 10
Variety: 8 / 10
Language: Simple and Casual.
Profanity: None to mild.
Audience factor: Teenagers to the adults

Overall rating: Recommended. You are good at what you are doing, keep it up. Apart from a few minor problems, lets say... you passed with flying colours.

Thank you for your submission.