Review for [URL=""][/URL].

The layout is relaxing to the eyes. Different colour tones and yet not too many.
The substance is good. The ads are "camouflaged" by the different colours, making them less visible and annoying. Good job for that. The headings are also bolded and of a larger font, making them clear and easier to differentiate from the entry.

However, you might want to include some images to spruce up the site. Like they say, a picture means a thousand words. Use them to further explain in your entries, it would help alot.

Reading substance: 9 / 10
Layout: 8 / 10
Images: 0 / 10
X-factor: 8 / 10
Variety: 9 / 10
Language: Normal English with an addition of Net language.
Profanity: None.
Audience factor: All ages, ranging on interest.

Overall : [URL=""][/URL] Highly Recommended for those who are interested in making money over the net using ads. Images would help though. Keep up the good work~