Hold on... Here are some replies XD

meghdoot : Definition of recommendation means "something that recommends, especially a favorable statement concerning character or qualifications". Perhaps you mean "suggestions" instead? Still, thank you for your lovely comments. I will try my best to keep this topic going

nafcom : You don't have to thank me for that it's the truth!

Alright so... back to topic.
Here's the review for [URL="http://realepicurean.com"]realepicurean.com[/URL].

Your blog is yummy enough to eat! Substance is good, so is the content, and the pictures(clear and focused) are superb. I like the contrast between the background and the content.

I don't think I have much to tell you to improve on, except... maybe you should put a link for JUST your recipes on a page. Other then that, keep it up!

Reading substance: 8 / 10
Layout: 9 / 10
Images: 10 / 10
X-factor: 9 / 10
Variety: 9 / 10
Language: Normal English, readable for all ages.
Profanity: None.
Audience factor: All ages, ranging on interest.

Overall: Recommended for food lovers, cooks... but not recommended for people on a diet! The pictures are sweet temptation... *gulps*