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Thread: New blog

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    New blog

    This Blog publishes the latest and newest news of blues and rock music every day, mostly played on JAM Radio as well as curious and interesting posts about radio and other topics related to the station.


  2. #2

    Lightbulb Tell Your Story And Brand With A Logo

    The tone, appearance, and values of the entire brand are exemplified by the logo of a company. A logo is a unique symbol, design, or emblem that is used to represent your brand. It is basically a visual representation of the brand that helps establish its identity and differentiate it from others in the market. A well-designed logo is used across different mediums and platforms, such as business cards, websites, and advertisements.

    Having set guidelines in place helps to ensure that the logo is used correctly and in keeping with your brand intentions. The brand strategy and brand manual both contain these guidelines, which are known as logo usage guidelines or the logo manual. The guidelines make it easier to prevent mistakes like stretching or otherwise changing the logo in a way that is incongruous with the rest of the brand's voice, which could cause it to lose its integrity.

    The following are the essential set of guidelines that are used for logo and brand manuals.

    1. The space around the logo - To ensure the logo's clarity and visual impact are not impeded, there should be enough blank space around it.
    2. Colour Palette - The typical colour scheme for a brand consists of four or five hues that either match or complement the hues used in their logo.
    3. Font and Typography - This rule specifies which fonts complement your logo and your brand as a whole.
    4. Logo Size - When printing the logo, the minimum size of the logo should ideally be in inches or millimetres rather than pixels for digital use. Just as crucial as choosing a minimum size is choosing proportional values.
    5. Logo Description - Your logo should always be used in accordance with a clear description of what it is and is not.
    6. Logo Colours - For the purpose of establishing a clear standard, your guidelines should list all the allowed colour variations of your logo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    This Blog publishes the latest and newest news of blues and rock music every day, mostly played on JAM 66 Radio.


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