I agree with Bibba. MArriage life could be bored sometimes. But i believe is because both you and yr husband did not meet each other's needs! Hence lack the excitement and spice in a marriage. Please read "His needs Her needs" by Willard F.Harley Jr (GEt 1 online). After both my husband and I read this, we became even closer. Basically, there are top 5 needs of man and woman's side. Once 1 need is not met, the party's unmet need usually end up in affair. But when met, your life is so much more fulfilling and exciting! So I can't believe why you would waste time on that guy. Remember why and how you 1st fall in love with yr husband. Please remeber your first love. I believe you were passionate once right?? Unless you were forced into this marriage.. Please treasure yourself! before it's too late. Save yourself from being hurt too! Invest in reading His needs Her needs! Thanks!