Quote Originally Posted by htemwa View Post
Hi guys, I just started a blog with word press, it is about making money online, It is about making money online, I would appreciate people give me feedback about my blog, I changed a little the code of word press so you will notice it if you have used word press before. if you want to exchange links to your blog just leave me a message, thank you all!


haha it took me 15 post to be able to put my link but I hope it worst the time..
After 15 post I still haven't been able to post my link. Your #16. Maybe it will work this time. [URL]http://comicbooklistings.blogspot.com/[/URL]

Cool! As for your blog, I see it's the default wordpress template which, I'm sure you're intending to expand upon. And to that end I will say, "Be very Very Careful!" Wordpress is not as forgiving as blogspot. Blogspot rejects a lot of bad coding you may try to enter while wordpress, just simply Disappears! Leaving you alone in the dark.

As for your Topic content, "making money online". It is the same as a million or so other blogs out there all offering the same tips and tricks. So you are already heading up a Very Steep hill.

Nevertheless you've made a good start, and so I will just say, Good Luck to you, and your blog, on your venture. And if you have any questions, PM me.

~ comicbooklistings

BTW: Note that I "quoted" your link in my reply to help promote your blog. After all, that's the least I can do for my #16.