Quote Originally Posted by htemwa View Post
I don't know why more poeple like blogspot, I prefer wordpress, but I see that now blogspot let you set up a theme, I thougt it was only like 5 themes? did I miss something?
Blogspot in fact, has a Lot of themes. During the initial setup however, you are limited to only a few "simple" themes, but once you spend the two minutes to create your blog, you can select to change your theme, at which point blogspot then offers many more different themes. Or, you can go theme shopping for literally Thousands of themes.

I use both wordpress and blogspot. And I can tell you that a blogspot blog is a Lot simpler, easier, and entails a Lot Less down time due to trying to figure out why your PHP went hay-wire. Plus, it seems, blogspot blogs are automatically indexed into googles search engine. And you can't beat that with a stick.

Also note that All of your HTML editing, is done on One Page. Including any CSS editing.