Well hello Cheri,

Firstly, thank you kindly for your message. Secondly can I just say that how you are feeling now is exactly how I felt just a few years ago. Isn't it wierd that when one start's approaching 30 that these thoughts start rumbling through one's mind. I'm 35yrs old and from England. I woke up one morning when I was about 28 and suddenly realised that I wasn't going anywhere with my life!!

I was lucky that I was generally happy with my job but otherwise was single and just existing. I had a small but close circle of friends and didn't really venture out very far. It was time for a change.

Within a few weeks, I was trekking through the desert in Egypt with a compay called Explore - during the trip I met some wonderful people who were also on the trip (I'm still in regular contact with 2 of them now). Since then I have carried on my normal life for most of the year - but for a few weeks I go exploring. My circle of friends has grown enormously and my understanding of life has a whole new context.

Anywayz, enough of my ramblings for now. Please feel free to come to my blogsite anytime. And I look forward to speaking to you again sometime.

Kindest regards
