I think you two have something really special that must people would only dream of having. Nevertheless you do seem to have a problem listening to each other. I'm no psychiatric on relationship but i can suggest to work on a solution. I know that at the very least you can because you said that you where able to think about things throughly. This is important because giving a reflection to a problem mean your learning after your mistakes.

To me i think your problem lays on your young ages. I think your not mature enough. But you can use this bad period to your advantage. Now that you know the consequences of some of your(the both of yours) habits. Use this period of sorrow to think about what happened exactly. Even opening yourself to a blog like you did is one way to reconsider things. Build up your spirit... so that next time something like this happens try to comprehend things before "losing it to anger". By the way anger might be relieving but that the last thing to do in a relationship.

I don't believe there is such thing as one most important thing in a relationship but one of the many important things is to be able to comprehend each other. Relationship is very complicated but this is not necessarily a bad thing. There is always the beauty of discovering one and other. After doing so you would be able to say proudly that you know her like no one. "She trust me for this as much as i trust her because we know each other", you will say. Then you will be able to feel the closeness the two of you share.

I said you need to gain maturity. Maybe your already there, i can't know but this said, you should get back with her because i can see you want to. Give it another try. But this time prepare yourself to know her for real. Do it before its too late. If there are problems, think about it before you say something. If its not getting in the way of your relationship between you and her then you should bare this problem instead of complaining about. Girls are very demanding. We have to accept this. This is not something that bad. Leave it to time and you will feel like it will be one of those small thing that makes her special.

Anyways let me tell you one final advice. Hesitation is the best way to lose what sometimes could have been the most precious things. Don't waste what you have. Work things out before its too late. Be true to each other.