Hi very body,

I would like to provide you some advices when traveling to Laos as below:

Travel Advice To Laos

If you are planning to visit Laos, here are some advice to help you avoid trouble.

A Visa is required to enter Laos and this should be applied for at least 5 working days prior to departure. However, it is now also possible to collect visas on arrival at Vientiane International Airport, Luang Prabang International Airport and the Friendship Bridge between Laos and Thailand without prior authorisation. This costs 75AUD for single entry or 90AUD for double entry and requires the filling in of an application form and one passport size photo.

The airport tax in Laos for International Flights is 10USD and Domestic Flights is 1USD.

Offices and museums are usually open from Monday to Friday from 8:00am until 4:00pm and often close for lunch between 12:00am and 2:00pm. Shops open from Monday to Saturday between 9:00am and 5:00pm and some also open on Sunday.

Laos has a nationwide curfew of 12am so try to avoid going out or travel late at night. People travelling at night can be searched, detained and possibly fined by authorities if they cannot present suitable identification. Travellers should comply with requests to stop at checkpoints and roadblocks.

Avoid carrying large sums of money and keep valuables, including passports in a secure place. There are no ATM machines in Laos, but major hotels and banks in Laos accept credit cards and travellers cheques.

Laos has a one party system. Do not accuse the government or talk about politics at any time.

Respect the language, history, tradition and culture.

Non-marital sexual relationships aren't permitted under Lao law.

You must inform Lao authorities for marriage or engagement. Penalties for failing to register a relationship range from 500USD - 5,000USD and may also involve imprisonment.

Penalties for drug offences in Laos are severe, including the death penalty for trafficking. Travellers should exercise extreme caution to avoid any perceived association with drug trafficking or use. Other serious crimes such as rape, murder and treason, also include the death penalty.

Photographing or visiting military sites is prohibited and may result in arrest or detention. To be on the safe side, please ask for permission if you want to take photos at places where you are not sure if it is permitted.

Unexploded ordnance and mines remain a problem in some parts of the countryside, particularly in Xieng Khouang province (location of The Plain of Jars) and the Lao-Vietnamese border areas along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Travellers should only walk along marked areas or common tourist areas, otherwise it can be dangerous.

The rainy season in Laos is between May to November when seasonal flooding may occur in some areas near the river. If a natural disaster occurs, follow the advice of local authorities.

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) is not a problem in Laos, unlike neighbouring countries in the region. There is no risk to a very low risk of bird flu infection in Laos but travellers should still discuss the risks with their doctor as part of their routine pre-travel health checks.

No vaccinations are required to go to Laos except for yellow fever if you are coming from an area where the disease is present. However visitors should be inoculated against typhoid, cholera, hepatitis A & B, tetanus and polio. Malaria is present in most of the region and it is advisable to take precautions especially if travelling off the beaten track.

It is not advisable to drink tap water in Laos but bottled mineral water is safe and available everywhere. Ice in drinks is generally OK in good standard hotels and restaurants but it is best to avoid it on street stalls or in country areas.

In summary, Laos is a safe country.