Quote Originally Posted by thepisstaker View Post
Hi this is Ed the Editor by any other name. I run a blog dedicated to humorous articles, photos and videos about the web and technology news. To mix it up a bit, we also have stuff on US UK issues and mad world quirky stuff that just plain amuses us. (Web nerdery is fun, but you have to get relief some times!)

We roll our own articles which vary between the occasional one liners, where we have little to say, right up to essays, where we get into a ranting roll and cant stop. Just started an experimental podcast too. I speak clearer than Ricky Gervaise but can't cackle like him, so we aren't sure if we will ever make it to the top in podcasting, but we are trying.

If you want to join us and submit mini articles of 150 words, please do. We will write up a profile and set up links to your site and when we are going longer, we will pay real cash too.

Thanks for listening, that was a Pisstakers production.
Wicked name haahha