Wow! When I was in college I was more into chatting online with irc, but now this blogging thing is kinda mind boggling. It is very interesting though, to know that I can express my every thought to strangers with some anonymity and become more honest and truthful with myself and others. Sounds great! Sign me up.

Well a little bit about me, I am from the Chicago area, i like poems, traveling on the road of life and trying to figure the ins and outs(a bit hard right now, but I think I can take it on). I am 29 and as I look back at my life ....hmm...I guess everyone changes, but I am not fully the same person I was when I was 19. I think age and experience sometimes brings on a lot of unhappy thoughts and thoughts on where is my life going. I am still trying to decide where my life is going so I am not working right now, but will go back to work soon. I guess it seems that at 29 I still feel like I did at 19 not really knowing exactly where I want to be at and more importantly what I want to do with my life, my career, ect... Hmmm.. What do you guys think? Anyone with more experience than me that can add some light to this situation called life and what you expect out of it and where the road should be leading?