Well, while girls look for certain qualities in a guy like:

1- looks

2- his ability to turn around their emotions or switch attraction (personality, in layman's terms)... which all include being authorative, not needy, mystic, humourous, sometimes cocky funny, cool ...etc.

Guys on the other hand get turned on for a girl who has these 3 qualities:

1- looks

2- looks

3- looks

LOL just kidding. This must sound shallow, but YES looks play a big part but certainly are NOT the only thing a guy wants. They can be enough if the guy only wants sex, but soon enough he'll get tired of her, if she is shallow. I once dated a model who used to take a s**t right there in the toilet infront of me when I was shaving....GROSS!

argilestox made some very good points..... you have to respect each other, you have to act GIRLY (leave men's stuff to them).... fun to talk to, teaser, toucher, share at least 1 or 2 common interests, being popular or being desired by other men he knows of or at least having some male friends, having a bit of "game" , not getting into debates or arguments with him but instead going along with him, avoiding to talk about politics/religious especially on the first meetings.....etc..

There certainly are others I forgot to mention ,,,but that is what I recall now....the most important one is being SEXUAL...not good looking , but sexual... I can remember felling for many not very good looking girls, but sexual girls,,,doesn't matter if I was looking for long or short relashionship, she has to be sexual and girly,,,,that also doesn't mean to be rude or direct or something,,,just be sexy.