hi to everyone this forum is really good

i have been working as a webmaster to many of the websites

used many webhostings

satisfied with none everyone has some or other problems

started with net4.in very costly , added hosting with 2gbhosting worst experience with site which remains downs in every 2 or 3 months for a day

but had good support from there technical department to appreciate them

but dont buy hosting not at all good, downtime really high

hostgator sucks with limitation of nodes which never looks to be okie as nodes distribution is wrong they calculate everything in your folder stats also
may be same criteria in all other node distributions

recently bought hosting from manashosting and nightmares starts they were biggest cheater i have met in my life really manashosting worst review i seen every client has seen these issues never return money infact pack come with 30 day moneyback policy
never do what they say

worst nightmares are still on

wastage of money with these guys only

well keeping fingures crossed and looking for some good stuffs