I sort of posted this on the "Introduce Yourself" thread. But it seems to me it might be more appropriate for this particular thread.

Hey guys, I'm new here.

I joined because I heard it's the best blogging-forum community in the web.

I started my blog about a week ago, so I'm still going through some growing pains in setting it up and what-not.

So I hope to learn a bit more about all that here, and pick on the brains of the smarter of you that post here.

My blog's URL address is: cleveredfool.com

Anyways, it's called: Clevered Fool - Procrastination Medicine For The Bored.

It's a procrastination-friendly Blog about: Sports, Politics, Satire, Sarcasm, Pop Culture, TV/Movies, Celebrities, Sex & Relationships, Video Games, Nothing-Of-Value, Etc.

The blog was conceived after multiple hours of time-wasting between two brothers, who realized they were too lazy and immature for their respective professions (CPA & Lawyer).

We’ve always had an unhealthy obsession with reading stuff online about genuinely useless stuff.

The expectation for us is that as our blog/website evolves, we’ll find the right mix of procrastination, debauchery, randomness, and uselessness, to give the reader, exactly what he's looking for.

But not because we like our two or three readers, or anything like that, but because it is them, with their clicks, who will help us achieve the true objective and goal behind the starting of our blog: Make loads of Money!

Please, feel free to visit it. We really need constructive criticism and honest feedback.

Thanks for your time and help.

Take it easy.