I've opened an account here yesterday. I have started a few blogs about half a year ago and am learning new ways to make it work for me.

I suffered a big hit from the economy and this led me to starting either a blog or a website. No one wanted to hire me so I figured all that is left for me to do is to start my own business.

I have an interest in various subjects. My main interest is in spiritual pursuits. My other interests are in the entertainment industry. I believe I can use that to showcase my beliefs and insights into matters.

With my blogs, I figure I can just write down my beliefs and my side of various issues whether anyone agrees with it or not and I figure I'm ready to get word out.

I observe the online habits of people and I realise that I must develop a thick skin to able to run an online business. But I look at it this way, no one can see me, no one knows who I am, so I can just ignore any insults thrown my way.